
A Quick Note on Future Updates

Dear Readers,

How are we this morning? It's a foggy day here in Mexico. Our gas has run out, so while I wait for the fellow with the truck to arrive and refill our tank, I can neither shower nor cook. All that's left to do is sit in bed, drink coffee, and author a note to you fine people.

I've begun taking the updating of the blog very serious (this change having taken place in the last week or so). I'll continue the blog's original purpose of bringing you strange items of news and note from Japan, and other East Asian countries (this being the blog's original purpose, created while I was attempting to amuse myself during the NYC job hunt), though I'm adding a new series: Thoughts on Things. Basically, this will be nothing more and nothing less than that: musings. I'll be posting a quick politcal piece today, followed by an update on my Mexican travels on Thursday or Friday. Other pieces in the pipeline range from ideas about Roman architecture to ideas about itinerancy, and of course more Mexican travel updates.

The format will assume the following model: primary updates on Monday and Thursday/Friday (we'll see which works best), with some silly things (videos, Asian news stories) sprinkled atop these randomly, as I have the time or the desire.

I hope you all enjoy this new format, and these new musings. I'm attempting to better my essay writing skills, while building up a freelance portfolio. To that end, I encourage any and all advice and criticism, and would be greatly humbled if once or twice a week you would stop by and check out what's going on.

Thanks a bunch for reading.

take care


p.s. - Check out my other blog, fifagrammar.blogspot.com. And of course I'd be greatly indebted if you'd sign/pass around via email my petition: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/fifagrammar


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